Your Profile Page Says A lot
When a user clicks on your profile, the first thing they see is your profile page and layout. Your profile page could determine whether or not that user is going to click that follow button or not. Think about it as the homepage to your website. What do you want viewers to see and know about your business?
What your profile says about you:
What your brand personality is
How aesthetic your account is
How active your account is
How to get in contact
What your brand personality is
The first thing a viewer will see when they click on your profile page is your whole account laid out. A viewer could tell what types of posts you post, the aesthetic you and your brand leans towards and what you and your brand sees important. If your account is cluttered with random posts, viewers may think that your business is unorganized and unprofessional. They may not trust that you’ll get their order done in a timely manner. But, if your account is organized and all your posts match in some way, viewers may be more compelled to trust your business. The way your account looks is also important. Everyone has different tastes, which is why knowing your audience is important. When you know who your audience and understand what their needs and wants are, you can curate content to match it. This will then attract others who may have the same interests, needs and wants. You want to make sure your account looks on point so that you get that follow!
How aesthetic your account is
Nice, aesthetically pleasing accounts have been the longest trend in the online world. This will tie well in your brand personality. Of course the aesthetic vibe you want to follow is entirely up to you! But what makes an account aesthetic? Consistency. Everything you post should match the personality of your brand. Your photos should be treated with the same types of filters as well as be taken the same way. Now this does not mean you have to post the same photos all the time. You can pick six - twelve categories for your posts to fall under. By dividing your account into categories, you could better organize your account whilst keeping up with the theme and personality of your account. If you have highlighted stories, you should choose nice cover icons to represent each highlight. These icons should also match your account and represent it in some way. Having a nice, eye catching profile picture also helps as well! Having a nice profile picture, trendy highlight icons and a neat profile layout, wraps your entire account into a nice little package. And because viewers often visit profile pages for seconds at a time, your neat package will surely compel them to hit that follow button!
How active your account is
Consistency is key to signify how active your account is. Why does your account need to be active to gain a follow? By showing activeness, viewers will know that your posts will show up on their feed. If your account is dry and inactive, they may think that your business is no longer in business. Or viewers may see no need to make the follow because your account does not make any posts any way. People follow accounts because they want to see their posts more often. The more active you are, the more of a chance you’ll have to gain more followers.
How to get in contact
Having the perfect profile page means nothing if you have no way for your viewers to contact you. Remember, your profile page is like the homepage of your website so, it should include most things as you would your homepage. Adding your contact information, like store address, web link, phone number or email, helps your viewers easily navigate through your business. If viewers like what they see and want to make a purchase, they are going to want the answer of how to right away. If they need to work for it, they may give up entirely. Answering all questions before it is asked and providing a way to contact is an easy way to ensure that your social account becomes an ecommerce account as well.
Planning out what your account looks like and what you're going to include helps out a lot! Remember, your profile is like your homepage to your website. If viewers like what they see, they are sure to make that follow!